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Results of reliable collaboration

2018-10-16 | Society

A delegation led by Luigi Iperti, President of Italy – Uzbekistan Chamber of Commerce, visited Syrdarya region.

At the meeting, held in the khokimiyat of Syrdarya region, the guests were informed in detail about the reforms being carried out in the country, particularly in Syrdarya region, conditions and privileges provided for investors and entrepreneurs.
The President of Italy – Uzbekistan Chamber of Commerce Luigi Iperti gave a high assessment to conditions created for investors in the region. The guest noted that the purpose of the visit of representatives of Italian companies to Syrdarya region is to establish cooperation in trade and economic spheres, to attract investment in the region.
A branch of the clinic of Italy’s Humanitas University is planned to be established in the region. Foreign investments will be attracted for production of medical equipment and inventory, as well as pharmaceutical products in Syrdarya free economic zone.
The guests became familiar with activities of the new private medical center Oltin Vodiy in Gulistan and Syrdarya FEZ.

Abdujalol Kayumov, UzA
