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The scale of interparliamentary cooperation will expand

2018-08-06 | Politics

The Speaker of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan Nurdinjon Ismoilov met with members of the delegation led by External Affairs Minister of India Sushma Swaraj. 

Prospects of bilateral relations, in particular, issues of further development of cooperation between the two countries by bringing interparliamentary relations to a new level, were discussed at the meeting. 

The guests were told about the large-scale reforms implemented in the country according to the Action Strategy on improving the state and public construction, further reforming the judicial and legal system, liberalization of the economy, ensuring security, interethnic harmony and religious tolerance, in the field of constructive foreign policy. 

Members of the delegation became also acquainted with activities and structure of the lower house of parliament, deputy associations, committees and commissions, friendship groups organized within the framework of cooperation with parliaments of foreign countries, innovations in legislation. 

At the meeting, the parties noted the dynamic development of interparliamentary relations, the availability of opportunities not yet taken to raise these relations to the level corresponding to the potential of the two countries. 

External Affairs Minister of India Sushma Swaraj noted that establishment of permanent interparliamentary contacts will serve as a basis for development of cooperation in other areas. She emphasized the similarity of views of the two countries on current international and regional issues, as well as commitment of both sides to further development of trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian ties. 

The sides also exchanged views on other issues related to development of mutually beneficial cooperation. 

Source: UzA
