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Water saving is the basis of rich harvest

2018-06-05 | Society

A session on rational use of water, consequences of lack of water and additional measures for formation of guaranteed cotton crop was held in Urtachirchik district of Tashkent region. 

At the event, which was attended by deputies of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, members of the Senate, representatives of ministries and departments, reports of officials on situation with water and elimination of problems in this matter were heard. Water reserves decreased by 7 percent compared to 2017 in reservoirs of the region. This means that irrigated lands of the region may receive less than 308 million cubic meters of water. 

This situation requires reasonable and targeted use of each drop of water on 400 thousand hectares of irrigated areas of the region. This year, 800 hectares will be covered with wrap, irrigation method by flexible pipes will be used instead of irrigation ditch method on 2 thousand 120 hectares in order to save water. In addition, 53 mobile diesel pump units will be installed. 

Introduction of innovative technologies in the field will contribute to prevention of water loss. However, failure of individual water units in the region, untreated irrigation ditches at the proper level, non-compliance with rules of night irrigation, insufficient involvement of water employees in irrigation leads to excessive water consumption. Meanwhile, organization of watering order can reduce water consumption from channels by 10-20 percent, from irrigation ditches – up to 30-35 percent. 

Issues of reduction of the area under re-seeding, requiring abundant irrigation, intensifying introduction of system of innovative technologies were discussed at the event. 

Existing problems, ways of their elimination were analyzed in detail, need for strengthening parliamentary control over enforcement of planned measures was noted. 


A.Khudoykulov, UzA
