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Innovations and prospects

2018-05-02 | Education

International scientific conference on “Problems of modern continuous education: innovations and prospects” was held at Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami. 

It was attended by professors, teachers, foreign experts, including scientists from China, Italy, Kazakhstan, Malta, Norway, Romania, Russia, South Korea and Tajikistan. 

At the event, innovative process in the system of higher pedagogical education, actual pedagogical and psychological problems of development of education, innovative methods of education in the system of continuous education, problems of preschool education, theoretical and practical problems of reforming the system of secondary special, vocational education in Uzbekistan, actual problems of teaching children with disabilities, development of postgraduate education, training and professional development of teachers were discussed.

Reports of the conference participants, included in the special collection, were considered. 


Mokhigul Kosimova, UzA
