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The renamed Committee of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis will promote innovative development

2018-04-17 | Society

The Committee on the Issues of Information and Communication Technologies of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan has been renamed into the Committee on the Issues of Innovative Development, Information Policy and Information Technologies.

If earlier the activity of the committee was aimed only at development of the information sphere, then from now on it will act in the areas of supporting innovations, introducing advanced technologies in various sectors of society. 

The change occurred within the framework of a comprehensive program of measures on creating organizational and legal conditions for accelerating the process of innovative development of the country. That is, the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis forms an institutional basis for stimulating the development of innovation activities, increasing the effectiveness of lawmaking, control and analytical activities. 

From now on, the Committee on the Issues of Innovative Development, Information Policy and Information Technologies will continue to develop and implement a policy on supporting the innovation activity at a new stage. 

The Committee on the Issues of Innovative Development, Information Policy and Information Technologies of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis together with the newly established Ministry of Innovative Development will develop and implement comprehensive measures on effective management of legal, economic relations, creation, improvement and implementation of scientific, technical and other innovative activities. 

The Parliamentary Committee will allow to unite the actions of the expert community in innovation sphere, determine the ways of development of the national innovation infrastructure for the general public, develop and implement effective state policy in this direction.


Ulugbek Asrorov, UzA
