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President became familiar with construction of a modern military town in Yashnabad district

2018-04-06 | Politics

New multi-storey houses are being built for families of military servicemen on the territory of “Olmos” makhalla in Yashnabad district of Tashkent.

48 five-storey houses are being built here in accordance with the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On additional measures of effective implementation of the Program for construction and reconstruction of available apartment buildings in the cities for 2017-2020” of January 13, 2017. 

According to the project, 18 five-storey houses with 2, 3 and 4-room apartments are being built at the first stage. They are designed for 540 families. 

The customer of the project is “Qishloq Qurilish Invest” LLC. The project was developed by the chief designer – “Qishloq Qurilishloyiha” institute. Construction and contracting works are carried out by 12 contract organizations on the basis of approved industry schedules. 

More than 30 equipment, machinery and mechanisms, about 2 thousand qualified engineers and workers are involved in construction. By now, the installation of bricks has been completed in 18 houses, sanitary engineering and finishing works are being carried out. 

The Head of the state got acquainted with construction activities, conditions created in the new houses on the territory of the makhalla. 

– The reforms aimed at improving the living conditions of servicemen guarding our borders will continue, – the President said. – Issues of education and upbringing, social protection of their children remain in the center of constant attention. 

Activity is continuing within the framework of the second stage, which envisages the construction of 30 five-storey houses designed for 900 apartments. The customer is “Uzshahar Qurilish Invest” LLC, the main designer is “Qishloq Qurilishloyiha” institute. 

A kindergarten, a school, a polyclinic, and other social facilities will also be built on this area, which will become a modern military town. These apartments will be provided to defenders of the Motherland on the basis of concessional loans. 

Shavkat Mirziyoyev gave relevant instructions to responsible persons on timely and qualitative completion of houses construction. The President held a conversation with responsible law enforcement officials. 

Ziyodulla Jonibekov, UzA

Source: UzA
