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Shavkat Mirziyoyev: Cooperation of Central Asian countries play a decisive role in ensuring peace, security and sustainable development

2018-03-16 | Politics

At the first consultation meeting of the heads of Central Asian states in Astana, the sides discussed issues of expansion of political, trade-economic and humanitarian cooperation between the countries of the region, joint counteraction to terrorism, extremism, illicit traffic in narcotic drugs and weapons, strengthening security and stability in Central Asia.

It was emphasized that Central Asia is not only a geographical and geopolitical, but also a single cultural and civilizational space. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to issue of development of cooperation between the territories, which along with ensuring sustainable development in Central Asia will allow to fully use the industrial, investment and intellectual potential of the regions of Central Asian countries. 

The heads of states noted the need for further strengthening cooperation within the framework of the CIS, the SCO, the OIC and other authoritative international structures. At the meeting, a wide range of issues related to cooperation of the countries of the region in political, trade-economic, transport, cultural, humanitarian and other spheres were discussed. 

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted that relations based on mutual understanding of Central Asian countries play a decisive role in ensuring peace, security and sustainable development, as well as in expanding regional and international cooperation. Central Asia, with its huge energy potential, natural resources, transport and communication capabilities, has an important geopolitical significance, and the process taking place affect the stability of the whole Eurasia. 

For establishment of a regular dialogue in this direction, joint search for a solution to regional problems, conducting a consultation meeting of the heads of Central Asian states should become traditional.

During the discussion of security issues at the first consultation meeting of the heads of Central Asian states in Astana it was noted that today all countries of the region are facing threats of terrorism, religious extremism, transnational crime and drug trafficking. 

The need was noted for comprehensive assistance to Afghanistan in restoring the socio-economic infrastructure, joining of the country to regional economic processes, developing a concrete program of measures in conjunction with foreign countries and international organizations on prevention of youth from falling under the influence of various terrorist and extremist structures. 

It was emphasized that it is necessary to continue a well-coordinated and deeply thought out joint activity on resolving issues related to delimitation of state borders. 

The participants also focused on the rational use of the region’s water resources. 

It was noted that unification of regional and international efforts in order to eliminate the consequences of the ecological catastrophe of the Aral Sea is the main factor of worthy confronting this problem. 

Views were also exchanged on expanding cooperation in innovation activity, mutual support in export-import issues between the countries. 

The agenda also included the issue of strengthening cultural and humanitarian relations, friendship and good-neighborliness between the countries of the region, which is one of the mandatory conditions for strengthening cooperation in Central Asia. The need was noted for consistent continuation of cultural and humanitarian dialogue, organization of joint cultural days and various cultural events, development of educational and tourism exchanges. 

At the meeting with representatives of the mass media, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev noted that the first consultation meeting of the heads of states of Central Asia was fruitful, such summits will serve to further development of cooperation in the region. 

The sides agreed to conduct the next consultation meeting on the eve of celebration of Navruz 2019, in Tashkent. 

Abu Bakir Urozov,
Special correspondent of UzA.
Tashkent – Astana – Tashkent
