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Shavkat Mirziyoyev: “In the coming years, the best investors will come to Navoi region”

2018-03-02 | Politics

During the visit of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev to Navoi region, presentation of promising projects was held, which will be implemented in “Navoi” free economic zone.

22 projects were implemented in this zone in 2010-2016, and 904 workplaces were created. The new plan envisages implementation in 2018-2019 of 32 projects and creation of 1,659 jobs with organization of production of pharmaceutical products, medical products, mechanical engineering and automotive industry products, chemical and petrochemical industries, building materials. 

It is planned to establish the release of marble and granite, composite stone materials. Within the framework of projects, activities will be carried out on development of stone quarries, extraction, processing of marble, production of composite finishing materials. 

One of the projects submitted to the Head of the state, with a total cost of 84,5 million US dollars, provides for organizing production of aluminum profiles in 2018-2019, accessories and components. 

– Navoi region has all the opportunities for implementing major economic projects, – the President said. – It is necessary to find enterprising entrepreneurs for effectively using these opportunities. To this end, a business forum should be organized in the region in the near future. It is advisable to invite business people from abroad. This will attract the best investors in Navoi. 

A project on producing glass products will be implemented in Zarafshan. The enterprise, which will provide employment for 350 people, will produce sheet glass, glass containers. 

The President was informed about the planned work on organization of modern greenhouses, development of poultry and fish farming. 

The Head of the state got acquainted with the plan on fish farming, which provides for creation of small reservoirs on the backyards of Karmana district and cultivation of fish by an intensive method. 

– Fish is a dietary product, which is not inferior to meat by nutritional value. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to development of this industry, – said the President. – The fish grown on private plots of the population will become not only a source of additional income, but also a factor of health promotion. 

It was also reported that 1,200 hectares of land would be allocated for the fish breeding complex, which will be organized at Tudakul reservoir. The project, implemented by Iranian investors, provides for harvesting 5 thousand tons of fish per year and production of 4 thousand tons of products based on its processing (fish fillet, minced fish meat, smoked fish).


Abu Bakr Urozov, UzA
