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President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited Sherabad district

2018-01-19 | Politics

The Head of our state Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited private medical center “Euro med plus” in Sherabad district.

As a result of attention paid to development of private medicine in our country, population in remote villages are being provided with modern, high-tech medical services. 

The recently opened medical facility is equipped with a computer tomograph, digital radiography, ultrasound examination device, video-gastroscope, video-colposcopy and other equipment. Services are provided on ultrasonic, magnetic, laser and shock wave therapy, treatment of hernia with spinal traction. 

Now local residents do not have to visit Termez in case of emergency. The new medical center serves not only residents of Sherabad district, where more than 182 thousand people are living, but also neighboring Muzrabat, Baysun, Angor, and Kizirik districts, where there is a shortage of modern diagnostic equipment. 

There is a traineeship center for students of medical colleges in “Euro med plus”. In the future, it is planned to conduct surgical operations. 

The Head of our state, getting acquainted with possibilities of the clinic, noted the need to establish cooperation and exchange experience with “Akfa Medline” clinic in Tashkent. 

Shavkat Mirziyoyev also visited “Tarokli” makhalla of the district and got acquainted with activities of “Pokiza” non-governmental institution of pre-school education.


Matnazar Elmurodov, UzA
