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The subject of discussion–telecommunication technologies

2017-12-01 | Tech

A regional seminar dedicated to issues of interaction with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and opportunities for member states was held in Tashkent.

The event organized by the Ministry for Development of Information Technologies and Communications of Uzbekistan and the International Telecommunication Union was attended by specialists and scientists from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, the Netherlands, Russia and Uzbekistan. 

As it was noted, the search for new innovative methods of increasing the effectiveness of information technologies, the all-round assistance to informatization process, wide introduction of them into all spheres of society are becoming the most important areas of state activity in the context of globalization. The effectiveness of state and public management, business, and communications of civil society is inseparably linked with the level of informatization, the introduction of modern information technologies into these spheres. 

Activities of ITU, as a specialized agency of the United Nations, are aimed at developing standards in the field of telecommunications and information technologies, providing countries with necessary technical assistance, promoting the dissemination of benefits of new technologies, ensuring and expanding international cooperation in order of improvement and rational use of various types of telecommunications.

The main goal of the regional seminar was the exchange of experience and ideas between domestic and foreign specialists, leading ITU experts in the sphere of telecommunications, discussion of current trends in development of ICT. 

The seminar was conducted in five sessions, covering in particular subjects such as opportunities for higher education institutions and scientific research organizations provided by ITU, as well as ITU activities in the Central Asian region and Uzbekistan. 

A roundtable was held within the framework of the event, during which the experience of different countries on cooperation with ITU and a number of issues related to the development of communication technologies in the region were discussed.


Roman Bondarchuk, UzA
