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Issues of improving activities of construction organizations, the qualitative implementation of creative work were discussed

2017-12-01 | Politics

On November 30, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev heard the reports of the heads of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Architecture and Construction on the results of reforms that are being implemented in the sphere.

Large-scale construction and creative work is carried out in each branch of the economy of our country, the volume of construction activities is increasing each year. 

In May this year, the organizational structure of the State Committee for Architecture and Construction was radically transformed, and new tasks were set. The territorial units of the committee are expanded by additional staff. In particular, branches of “Uzshaharsozlik” design institute are organized in 11 regions, a branch of “Toshkentboshplan” design institute in Samarkand, 26 leading design organizations in 13 regions. Tashkent and Samarkand architectural and construction institutes and 14 professional construction colleges were transferred to the committee. 

Social facilities are being built at places within the framework of the adopted targeted state programs and in accordance with the instructions given by the Head of our state during trips to the regions. 

In particular, on the initiative of the President of our country, a modern international business center “Tashkent City” is being built on the territory between the streets of Islam Karimov, Furkat, Navoi and Almazar. 

Houses, offices, business centers, entertainment complexes, infrastructure and other facilities in a national and modern style will be built in this center on the most modern projects and unique architectural solutions. 

“Samarkand City” center is being built in Samarkand based on the same concept. 

The administrative center of Tashkent region, the city of Nurafshon, is planned to be built on the basis of innovative approaches and advanced achievements of urban planning. Its master plan is being developed by a foreign architectural company with solid international experience. 

Parks of recreation such as Ecopark, Friendship park and Ashgabat park have been organized in Tashkent in the past year in order to create favorable conditions for recreation of the population and development of cultural infrastructure facilities. 

In addition, reconstruction of the National Park “Uzbekiston” and creation of “Navruz” park is being intensively carried out in the capital. The Alley of Writers is being created on the territory adjacent to the National park. 

A memorial complex in Tashkent and a mausoleum on the territory of Khazrati Khizr complex in Samarkand were erected based on modern requirements of architecture in memory of the First President of our country Islam Karimov. 

“Suzuk-ota” mausoleum and the center of handicraft are being built in Shaykhantakhur district of the capital, and the Center of Islamic civilization next to Hastimam complex. 

The issue of constructing affordable and comfortable housing for the population was discussed at the meeting. 

15 thousand modern houses are being built according to the program of construction of affordable housing on upd ated standard projects in rural areas in 2017. 2 trillion 35 billion sums were allocated for this purpose. 

An additional 4 610 standard houses are being built in accordance with the instructions given by the Head of our state during the trips to the regions, taking into account the requests and wishes of people. 574 billion sums were allocated for this. 

To date, 10 431 houses have been put into operation, construction of the remaining 9 179 houses will be completed in December. 

Families in need of housing are allocated mortgage loans for 1 trillion 620 billion sums for 15 years. 

As a result of implementation of the program, more than 19 thousand rural families will receive modern comfortable housing in 2017, that is not inferior to the urban one. 

It is planned to build about 20 thousand such houses in 2018 in the countryside, based on upd ated model projects. 

In turn, 191 houses for 7 919 apartments are being built in the current year in the cities, according to standard projects, including 102 houses for 4 088 apartments in Sergeli district of the capital. These apartments are provided to those in need of housing and young families on the basis of preferential mortgage loans for a total amount of 751 billion sums for a period of 20 years. 

The construction of 70 houses has already been completed. In particular, the owners were given keys to apartments in 4 nine-storey houses for 162 apartments in Angren of Tashkent region and 66 multi-storey houses for 2 576 apartments in Sergeli district of the capital. 

The remaining multi-storey houses are planned to be commissioned on the eve of the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan until the end of December. 

As a result of implementation of the program in 2017, more than 8 thousand urban families will be provided with modern and comfortable housing. 

In accordance with the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of October 23, 2017, the upd ated parameters of the program on construction of affordable apartment buildings in cities for 2018-2020 were approved. According to them, the number of houses planned for construction in the next years has increased by 1,5-2 times. In particular, in 2018 it is planned to build 365 multi-storey houses for 15 172 apartments. 

Along with the conducted positive work, the Head of our state criticized the activities of the State Committee for Architecture and Construction, noted that the State Committee allows passivity in implementing reforms in the sphere. 

The most of the normative acts, urban planning regulations and construction norms are outdated, noted Shavkat Mirziyoyev. Concrete results were not achieved in fulfilling these instructions on bringing these norms into line with modern requirements. 

In the rating announced by the World Bank, Uzbekistan took the 135th position on allocation of land and obtaining a building permit. At the same time, it was noted that it takes an average of 246 days to implement these operations, which is yet another proof of the need of accelerating reforms in the sphere. 

The state of affairs in development of master plans of cities, architectural and planning projects in villages absolutely does not meet the due requirements. In particular, the Program on updating urban planning documentation for 2011-2018 has been implemented only by 30-40 percent, that is, general plans are only in 207 (17 percent) cities and villages out of 1200. 

As a result, cases of unauthorized and indiscriminate development are still observed in cities and districts, which leads to a deterioration in the appearance of settlements, said the Head of our state. 

At the meeting, the President of our country criticized the work of project institutes, the passive introduction of advanced foreign experience into their activities. In particular, the quality of construction projects remains low, and the price is unreasonably high, solutions that ensure environmental safety and energy efficiency are almost not used when designing buildings and structures. As a result, most of the buildings and structures under construction are of the same type, do not convey the uniqueness of settlements. 

It was also noted that the quality of training specialists in construction and design does not meet modern requirements. It is necessary to sel ect personnel for almost 500 vacancies in the system, including 110 vacancies in district (city) departments for architecture and construction and about 200 in design organizations. 

At the same time, it was emphasized that professional construction and contracting organizations are still not formed, the existing material and technical base and financial resources do not allow to provide the increasing volumes of construction work. 

The State Committee for Architecture and Construction was instructed to develop a program on updating and optimizing urban planning and construction rules, prepare and submit a new three-year program on development and approval of master plans of human settlements to the government for approval in cooperation with relevant ministries and departments, within two months. 

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan is entrusted to develop and approve a draft government resolution on optimizing and ensuring transparency of existing norms on allocating land, designing and implementing construction activities with relevant ministries and departments, within two months. 

Relevant instructions were given on development of a set of additional measures on development of construction contracting organizations, providing them with working capital, reviewing organizational structure and personnel of the main design institutes, turning them into organizations capable of implementing any design work at the level of modern architectural requirements. 

At the meeting it was entrusted to ensure qualitative and timely construction of multi-storey affordable houses in cities and standard houses in rural areas, to accelerate activities on arranging the settlement of new houses. 

First Deputy Prime Minister A.Ramatov, heads of engineering companies “Qishloq Qurilish Invest” and “Uzshahar Qurilish Invest” K.Khoshimbekov and Z.Narzullayev, together with khokims of regions were entrusted with personal responsibility for the delivery of housing on time. 

At the meeting, a situation related to the rise in prices for construction materials, including cement, burnt bricks, construction glass, rubble, as well as speculation on construction materials market, caused by the inability of domestic production to meet domestic demand and export needs was seriously criticized. The First Deputy Prime Minister A.Ramatov, Chairman of “Uzkurilishmateriallari” company B.Zaripov were entrusted to develop, submit for approval and ensure implementation of the resolution of the government on a sharp increase in production of construction materials based on support from domestic producers, on establishment of a system monitoring of changes in selling prices to consumers, complete satisfaction of domestic demand and ensuring export. 

Responsible persons were given specific instructions on all the considered issues.
