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Shavkat Mirziyoyev examined new houses in Sergeli district

2017-11-17 | Politics

The Head of our state Shavkat Mirziyoyev during the meeting with voters of the city of Tashkent paid special attention to housing problem in our capital, in particular, it was noted that an absolutely new program has been adopted, according to which 20 buildings will be built in each district of the capital in 5 years, more than 200 7- and 9-storey houses, new residential areas will be provided with all necessary social infrastructure, connected to engineering networks, the adjacent territory will be landscaped.

The work on implementation of the planned program was organized in the shortest time and at high rates. A similar housing estate has already been created in Sergeli district of the capital. 

Construction of new multi-storey residential buildings, started at the beginning of this year in accordance with the resolution of the Head of our state “On measures of implementing the Program on construction and reconstruction of affordable apartment buildings in cities for 2017-2020” of November 22, 2016, is fully completed today. 

The Head of our state, for the last period, got acquainted with the progress of construction activities several times, gave necessary instructions. 

On November 17, the President of our country Shavkat Mirziyoyev examined these new buildings. 

Previously, such houses were built for years. Now our builders, having accumulated sufficient experience in this sphere, put such qualitative facilities into operation in a short time.

66 multi-storey houses were built in the area of 13 hectares. 1-, 2- and 3-room apartments in them are provided to the population on the basis of concessional loans. There is a pre-school educational institution for 240 people, a general education school for 630 students, a family clinic No. 61, an indoor swimming pool, a police station, a post office and a bookstore, places for recreation, playgrounds, car parks, bikeways near the houses. 

In addition, a network of services has been organized in the area, new workplaces have been created. 

We are building these houses not to show off, but with a thought on the interests of the population, said the President of our country. Therefore, the building should be built in accordance with modern requirements. In addition, it is also our duty to properly operate the houses. In this regard, it is necessary to increase the responsibility of residents, to strengthen their sense of responsibility for their home. 

The President of our country examined new apartments, got acquainted with created conditions, talked with new settlers, congratulated them and presented gifts. 

Munavvar Kamolkhodjayeva teaches in the primary classes of the secondary school No. 75 in Uchtepa district. After the death of her husband, she, in need of housing, applied to the district khokimiyat at the beginning of this year. Her family was given an apartment in one of the available residential buildings built on this array. Mrs. Munavvar, who made the initial payment, today is celebrating the housewarming. 

The owners of new apartments, during the conversation with the President of our country, expressed satisfaction with created conditions, noted that provision of such housing on the basis of preferential mortgage loans and tax benefits raises people’s moods and serves as an important factor in the growth of their living standards. 

The issue of providing workplaces for people moving here is also actual. It is important that the constructed enterprises and production facilities are not far from these houses, said the Head of our state. 

The President of our country gave recommendations and instructions on further improvement of such houses, which will be built in the future.


Abu Bakir Urozov, photos by Sarvar Urmanov, UzA
