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Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the memorial museum of Sharaf Rashidov

2017-11-06 | Politics

In the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On celebration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding statesman and writer Sharaf Rashidov” of March 27, 2017, tasks were set on establishment of a memorial museum of the writer in the city of Jizzakh and improvement of the territory adjacent to it.

President of our country Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited this museum, which has been reconstructed and put into operation on the eve of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Sharaf Rashidov, got acquainted with expositions and conditions created here. 

The building of the museum was expanded during the construction and repair activities. The facade and interior of it are decorated in traditions of national architecture. There are more than 2700 exhibits here. 

At the entrance to the museum, the words of the President of our country Shavkat Mirziyoyev that there is no doubt that the name of Sharaf Rashidov is difficult to imagine in isolation from the history, life of people of Uzbekistan, are imprinted. Sharaf Rashidov was a devoted son of his people and country. 

An opportunity of showing films about activities of Sharaf Rashidov is created in the conference hall. 

There is a railway car next to the museum, which Sharaf Rashidov used during the state service. Its inventory is kept in its original form. 

The exhibits in the museum are presented in ten sections devoted to the childhood, student years, period of journalistic work, active participation in development of steppe and virgin lands in Uzbekistan, in the process of construction, socio-political and literary activities of Sharaf Rashidov and other themes. 

Photographs, books with autographs, various objects and many other exhibits related to his life and creativity, bright memory are demonstrated in the sections of the museum. 

The museum should provide full information about Sharaf Rashidov, said the Head of our state. We must constantly organize excursions of students to the museum, conduct various events. 

The Head of our state, during the meeting with representatives of voters of Jizzakh region, on November 18, 2016, noted that 2017 marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of the famous son of people of Uzbekistan, outstanding statesman and writer Sharaf Rashidov, and proposed to widely celebrate this significant date throughout the country, organize various cultural and educational events, establish a majestic memorial complex on Jizzakh land. 

Spiritual and educational events, conferences devoted to life, work and creativity of Sharaf Rashidov are being organized in all regions of our country, books are published. 

Shavkat Mirziyoyev left a record in the Book of honored guests of the memorial museum of Sharaf Rashidov. 

There are the following words in it: “The great son of our people, the outstanding statesman and writer Sharaf Rashidov was a self-sacrificing leader, a unique personality... 

The great merits of Sharaf Rashidov will forever remain in the memory of our people. 

I am convinced that the memorial museum of Sharaf Rashidov, which is starting to operate in the city of Jizzakh today, will serve to such a noble goal”.


Abu Bakir Urozov, UzA
