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October 25 – Day of employees of internal affair bodies of the Republic of Uzbekistan is widely celebrated in Uzbekistan

2017-10-25 | Society

Our people deeply appreciate and protect the peace and harmony that reigns in the country, live peacefully and safely due to these precious goods. One of the main goals of our state is to protect peace and tranquility, ensure stability in the country. All necessary measures are being taken on this way. Therefore, Uzbekistan regularly occupies high places in the “Law and Order Index” (2nd place in 2017). 

Constant improvement of the system of internal affairs bodies of our country is of great importance for meeting the level of modern requirements, as well as dedicated execution by employees of tasks assigned to them. 

This was especially noted at the solemn event organized in the Palace of Culture of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan in connection with October 25 – Day of employees of internal affairs bodies of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The material and technical base of internal affairs bodies is being strengthened. Workers of the sphere are provided with communication facilities, equipment and modern information and communication technologies that meet international standards. Due to special attention to staffing the system not only with physically but also spiritually mature personnel, young people who are developed in all respects are accepted to the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Military Technical Institute, the Institute of Fire Safety, they are trained on the basis of modern educational standards. 

Activities carried out on improvement of professional skills, spiritual and educational, socio-political and legal knowledge of personnel of internal affairs bodies, social protection of workers, stimulation of their work increase the achieved results in the sphere. To date, over 1 500 preventive inspectors have been provided with official housing and preferential vehicles. 

Devoted and dedicated service of employees of the internal affairs bodies, who make a worthy contribution to ensuring the tranquility of the country and people, is worthily stimulated by our state. The Decree of the President of our country Shavkat Mirziyoyev “On awarding a group of employees in connection with the Day of employees of internal affairs bodies of the Republic of Uzbekistan” of October 23, 2017, is a vivid confirmation of this.
At the event, a group of employees of internal affairs bodies were solemnly presented high awards of the Motherland. 


Norgul Abduraimova, photos by Yolkin Shamsiddinov, UzA
