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Prospects of “Khazorasp” free economic zone are discussed

2017-10-14 | Politics

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev got acquainted with the projects on expansion of direct investments into the economy of Khorezm region and further development of activities of “Khazorasp” free economic zone. 

The free economic zones established in various regions of our country play an important role in production of competitive and export-oriented products that meet international requirements, expanding the assortment of finished products based on deep processing of raw materials. 

The decree of the President of our country “On establishment of “Urgut”, “Gijduvan”, “Kokand” and “Khazorasp” free economic zones” of January 12 of this year is an important guide to action for increasing the effectiveness of work carried out in this direction. 

More than 414 hectares of land have been allocated for “Khazorasp” free economic zone. In the future, the area of the zone will be expanded. In the new FEZ, it is planned to organize modern facilities for processing, storing and packing agricultural products, producing leather shoes and haberdashery goods, products of chemical, pharmaceutical, food, electrotechnical industries, machinery and automotive products, construction materials. 

The Head of our state during his trip to Khorezm region on January 27 of this year got acquainted with this project and gave necessary instructions on its implementation. Currently, work is underway on defining the boundaries of FEZ, organizing a customs post, attracting foreign and local investors. Engineering and communication infrastructure is being formed, in particular, gas, water and electricity supply networks, roads and railways, communication lines are laid for creating necessary conditions for modern industrial enterprises. 

To date, 25 projects have been developed on location of production capacities in the zone. Over a thousand workplaces will be created as a result of their implementation. 

“Khazorasp” free economic zone will contribute to the effective use of productive and resource potential of the region, creation of new workplaces and a stable source of income for the population, improving the welfare of people. 



Abu Bakir Urozov, UzA

Source: UzA
