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The irrigation system of Khorezm region is being radically updated

2017-10-14 | Politics

The Head of our state Shavkat Mirziyoyev got acquainted with the progress of activities carried out within the framework of the project on rehabilitation of the system of main irrigation canals of Toshsoka in Khorezm region. 

The history of irrigated agriculture in Khorezm region is more than four thousand years old. 

Today there are 276,7 thousand hectares of irrigated land in the region. 191,3 thousand hectares of land are irrigated through the Toshsoka system. There is a sharp decrease in water level in the canals during low water in Amudarya, especially in early spring and early summer, resulting in a shortage of water for washing saline soils, irrigation of fields sown with grain, cotton and other crops. Water for these purposes is mainly produced by pumps. This leads to increased costs, excessive water consumption and deterioration of land reclamation. 

President of our country during his trip to Khorezm region on January 27 of this year got acquainted with activities on reconstruction of Toshsoka main canal, gave instructions on implementation of the project aimed at eliminating the above mentioned problems, reducing the cost of agricultural crops, improving the economic condition of farms and dehkan farms. 

In accordance with this project, 120 kilometers of main and inter-farm canals of the region, such as Toshsoka, Shavat, Polvon Gazovot and Gazovot, have been reconstructed. 318 out of 607 planned hydraulic structures were constructed. As a result, the work of 279 pumping units was stopped for their uselessness, the agricultural crops will be irrigated with running water. It will save 31,6 million kilowatt-hours of electricity. 

The Head of our state highly appreciated the work implemented in a short time. Gave appropriate instructions to relevant officials of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources, the regional khokimiyat on improvement of the adjacent areas to the canal, selection of seedlings that are suitable for local climatic conditions and afforestation of areas along the canals, creation of conditions for people's recreation. 



Matnazar Elmurodov, UzA

Source: UzA
