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President Shavkat Mirziyoyev arrived in Khorezm

2017-10-14 | Politics

On October 14, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev arrived in Khorezm region in order to become acquainted with socio-economic development of the region, define tasks for the future. 

Khorezm region plays an important role in development of our country due to its large industrial enterprises, the transport and communication system, the potential of small business. Products that are in great demand both in the domestic and foreign markets are produced in Khorezm branch of “GM Uzbekistan” joint stock company, at “UzXMG” excavator plant, “Uztex Shovot”, “Khorazm maishiy tekhnika” enterprises, “Khorazm shakar” joint venture. Despite difficult climatic conditions, farmers of the region are cultivating a rich harvest of agricultural crops. 

The Head of our state during the visit to Khorezm region on January 27-28, 2017, instructed to fulfill a number of tasks on further development of the regional economy, structural transformation of industry and agriculture, construction of social facilities, improvement of infrastructure, and the living standards of the population. 

In accordance with this, over the past period, new enterprises, small business entities, multidisciplinary farming enterprises have been established in the region. Prospective projects in the spheres of tourism, textile industry, fish and poultry farming, irrigation and others have been implemented. Houses, hospitals, schools and art palaces are built. Many more projects are being implemented. 

During the visit of the President of our country to Khorezm region, it is planned to become acquainted with the progress of tasks set during the previous trip, determine the actual tasks for the future for raising the development of the region to a new level.
