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Reforms in the sphere of education are giving their high results

2017-10-08 | Politics

President of our country Shavkat Mirziyoyev held a meeting on issues of reforming the sphere of education, further development of the professional education system and improving testing examinations for admission to universities in the baccalaureate.

The meeting was attended by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan, heads of relevant ministries and departments. 

The issue of development of the education and upbringing system has been raised to the level of the state policy in our country, from the first years of independence, a huge work is being implemented on educating the younger generation to modern knowledge and professions in accordance with world standards, the formation of physically healthy and spiritually mature personalities, promoting the realization of their talents and potential, educating youth in the spirit of love and devotion to the Motherland. 

In the Decree of the President of our country “On the Strategy of actions for further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan” of February 7, 2017, a number of tasks have been defined for the development of the social sphere, in particular, the sphere of education and science. 

The document provides for strengthening the material and technical base of educational institutions, building new ones, carrying out reconstruction and capital repairs of existing buildings, equipping them with modern educational and laboratory equipment, computers, educational and methodical aids. 

A program for the radical improvement of the system of higher education in 2017-2021 will be developed, work will be carried out on further improvement of the curricula, gradually increasing independence of higher education institutions by expanding their powers in using additional sources of funding and providing paid services. 

Over the past year, about seventy relevant resolutions, decrees and orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Cabinet of Ministers were adopted, which marked the beginning of a new stage in the radical reform of the education system. 

For the first time this year, students are admitted to the 10th grade of the secondary special education system. This was carried out in parallel with the process of admission to academic lyceums and professional colleges. At the same time, the wishes and opinions of parents and students were mainly taken into account. 

The President of our country particularly noted the need to take into account the views of parents and students in further improving activities carried out in the sphere, organizing such events as Doors Open Days, holding meetings. 

In 2016/2017 academic year, over 466 thousand students graduated from general education schools, of which more than 170 thousand were enrolled in professional colleges. 288 thousand schoolchildren, that is, more than 60 percent, are continuing their education in 10th grades. 

At the meeting, during the discussion of reforms held in the sphere, special attention was also paid to issues of mastering by youth of professions, educating students in the spirit of patriotism. 

At the same time, great importance is attached to the study of the rich heritage of our great ancestors by the youth, educating the younger generation as their worthy successors, mature personalities. 

The organization of a specialized school on in-depth study of disciplines in the area of information and communication technologies named after Muhammad al-Khorazmiy became also the first step towards implementing this task. 

Establishment of this school will create the basis for preparation of highly qualified personnel from the school age, formation of specialists in the sphere corresponding to modern requirements and standards. 

The resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On establishment of the state specialized general educational boarding school named after Mirzo Ulugbek and the park of Astronomy and aeronautics” was also adopted. 

In accordance with this resolution, the specialized state general educational boarding school named after Mirzo Ulugbek will be organized at the Institute of astronomy for in-depth study of mathematics, astronomy, physics and informatics. 

One of the tasks set before the school is formation of a base of highly qualified teachers. It is especially noted that the creation of such specialized schools will serve to educate youth in the spirit of patriotism and love for the Motherland. 

At the meeting, the issue of professional guidance for students of the 8th and 9th grades, taking into account the opportunities and potential of the regions, was also considered. This will open up new opportunities for students in mastering professions in the next stage of education. From now on, graduates of general educational schools will be trained in about fifty professions. The organization of modern equipped training and production centers is planned on the basis of professional colleges and general educational schools. In addition, a number of professional colleges are attached to relevant ministries and departments, enterprises and organizations. 

Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on measures of further improving the activities of secondary special, professional education institutions of March 14, 2017, serves as a guide to action. 

This will help to increase the role of these institutions in training personnel and creating guaranteed workplaces. 

In this connection, the President of our country instructed the heads of the sphere to visit places, to study the real needs of each region in specific specialists. 

At the meeting, measures aimed at improving the educational process in higher educational institutions, training youth on the basis of modern requirements were discussed, which is one of the relevant issues on the agenda. At the same time, it is important to ensure the openness and transparency of testing examinations when entering universities. 

The Head of our state also gave instructions on development of proposals for improving testing examinations for admission to higher education institutions in the baccalaureate, introducing relevant advanced experience of developed foreign countries, ensuring transparency of testing examinations. 

At the meeting it was noted that the interest of youth in obtaining higher education is growing, but the existing system of testing examinations is outdated and does not meet modern requirements. 

The Head of our state gave corresponding instructions to officials on issues of improving the education system, providing with qualitative educational literature, educating youth in the spirit of patriotism.
