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Preventive inspectors take oath of service

2017-09-19 | Society

In the remembrance square of the town of Termiz, a ceremony has been held for preventive inspectors of police strong points of the Surhondaryo Region’s internal affairs directorate to take an oath promising to ensure peace in the areas where they serve and to reliably protect people’s legitimate interests.

The ceremony was attended by senators from the region, representatives of various ministries and departments, veterans, young people and family members of preventive inspectors. 

During the ceremony, keys to modern service accommodation and new cars which had been purchased on preferential credits were given to preventive inspectors. 

The hokim (governor) of Surhondaryo Region, E.Turdiyev, and others said that police officers were working conscientiously to ensure peace and calm for the population and were making a contribution to strengthening social stability in localities. 

Reforms being implemented towards turning internal affairs bodies into socially-oriented professional units are producing good results in improving the work of this sphere, in maintaining public order, in preventing offences and in reliably protecting people’s rights, liberties and legitimate interests.

In Surhondaryo Region, police officers are paying special attention to work on various preventive events and an open dialogue with the population. Preventive inspectors are carrying out consistent work to prevent offences. Cooperation between preventive inspectors and people’s self-governing bodies is being strengthened. As a result, in the past 12 months, no offence was committed in more than 190 neighbourhoods of the region. 

“I worked in various positions in internal affairs bodies for more than 40 years. In those years, I did not even dream about free accommodation or the purchase of a car. Today service accommodation is provided for preventive inspectors to live together with their family in the area where they serve. Preferential credits are also being provided for them to buy new cars. This will make it possible for them to be even closer to neighbourhood people and to give more attention to their appeals,” says I.Qalkonov, a retired colonel. 

In accordance with a Presidential decree dated 20 April 2017 on additional measures to provide service accommodation for preventive inspectors of internal affairs strong points, service accommodation with modern conveniences is being provided for preventive inspectors. 

Their parents are glad about this kind of care and attention. 

“My son is serving in the Yangi Avlod neighbourhood of Qumqorghon District. New accommodation and a car have been given to him. We are grateful to our state for this great care,” says Shamil Yoldoshev living in the Olatemir neighbourhood of Shorchi District. 

There are more than 450 preventive inspectors working in the region. 

The chairperson of the women’s committee of the republic and deputy prime minister, T.Norboyeva; and presidential state adviser O.Murodov made speeches at the event.


Holmumin Mamatrayimov, UzA
