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Dynamic development of regions is today’s requirement

2017-09-03 | Politics

On September 2, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited Zarbdor district of Djizak region. 

The head of our state inspected the cotton fields of “Toshkesgan” farm, talked with farmers and dehkans about the proper and qualitative conduction of agrotechnical activities, timely harvesting. 

We think that we all know about agriculture. In fact, we still do not know much. Therefore, we must constantly study, be in search, organize education courses for farmers. Leading specialists should teach them, said the head of our state. 

Thorough preparation for cotton harvesting was carried out in Djizak region. There are 481 thousand hectares of cultivated areas in the region, of which 261 thousand hectares are irrigated land. 3978 of more than 12 thousand farms are growing cotton. 

The head of our state was informed about activities conducted by “Uzpahtasanoat” JSC on preparation for the receipt of raw cotton in 2017 in “E-tarozi” (“E-scales”) program using electronic scales and the effective introduction of “Photofixation” system into this process. 

The electronic scales and surveillance cameras that were installed in all cotton procurement units of 98 ginning enterprises of “Uzpahtasanoat” system last year are ready for the new season. Modern information technologies are being widely introduced in order to ensure openness in receiving the harvest of raw cotton in 2017 and preparing relevant reports, as well as reducing the human factor in this process. 

In particular, due to this, the raw cotton received by means of electronic weighers is weighed in “E-tarozi” program and the photofixation of the transport that delivered cotton is carried out simultaneously during the weighing by means of surveillance camera. The photograph shows the date, vehicle number, name of the farm, the weight of the delivered raw material. This will serve to increase the responsibility of financially responsible persons in the process of receiving harvest. 

Information on daily received raw cotton is introduced into the central database on-line. This, in turn, will create the basis for ensuring the promptness of formation of centralized reporting on received raw cotton in the context of the republic, regions, districts, sectors (khokim, prosecutor, internal affairs bodies and tax service), farms, as well as for data openness and analysis of the efficiency of activities of cotton harvesting teams. 

Surveillance cameras are installed in laboratories of all cotton procurement units in the cotton harvesting season of this year. Now farmers or their authorized representatives have an opportunity to observe the working process in the laboratory online and hear everything. 

The database of “E-tarozi” program, introduced in cotton procurement units, is also integrated in real mode with the central server of “Agrobank” JSCB for data exchange. 

Instructions were given to the responsible persons on further improvement of this modern system and its wide introduction into the practice. 

Shavkat Mirziyoyev met with the heads and farmers of the region at the field camp of “Tarakkiyot manzarasi” farm. 

The resolution of the President of our country “On priority measures of ensuring accelerated socio-economic development of the regions” of August 8, 2017 provides for the division of territories into sectors for integrated socio-economic development, headed by the khokims of the regions and the city of Tashkent, districts (cities), heads of territorial bodies of the prosecutor’s office, internal affairs and the state tax service. 

Activities of representatives of these sectors of the region on their territories were discussed at the meeting. 

The President of our country noted that the organization of activities of the sectors does not meet the requirements of today. 

At the event, issues of efficient organization of cotton harvesting in the region, crop rotation monitoring, expected harvest and income in the agricultural sector, volume for farms of all categories of crops in 2018 of fruit and vegetable crops, as well as other issues were considered. 

Abu Bakir Urozov, UzA
