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The heritage of our great ancestors–a priceless treasure

2017-08-29 | Culture

International scientific conference on “Central Asian Renaissance in the history of world civilization” was held in Samarkand.

It was attended by leaders of such authoritative international organizations as the United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture – UNESCO, the World Tourism Organization – UNWTO, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation – OIC, the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization – ISESCO, the International Research Center for Islamic History, Art and Culture – IRCICA, as well as by scientists and specialists from the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Germany, Spain, Italy, France, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iran, Azerbaijan, Russia, Japan and other countries, representatives of the leading scientific and educational institutions of the world. 

It was noted that this conference, organized under the auspices of UNESCO, as a logical continuation of the international conference on “Historical heritage of scientists and thinkers of the medieval East, its role and significance for modern civilization”, held in Samarkand in 2014, serves to deep study and research of the historical heritage of scientists and thinkers of Central Asia, wide familiarization of the international community with their contribution to the development of exact and natural sciences, Islamic culture, strengthening of cooperation between scientific centers and scientists. 

At the opening ceremony of the conference, Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Taleb Rifai, Head of UNESCO Office in our country Badarch Dendev, Director General of ISESCO Abdulaziz Othman Altwaijri, Chairman of the Executive Committee – the CIS Executive Secretary Sergey Lebedev, Director General of IRCICA Halit Eren and others noted the important role of scientists of Central Asia in the world civilization, their contribution to the development of science and culture. It was noted that merits of Imam Bukhari, Imam Termizi and others who authored the hadith collections are particularly significant in the development of Islamic culture, the study and wide propaganda of their heritage is of very actual importance in the present era of globalization. The work carried out under the leadership of the President of our country in this direction, which, as noted, serves as an important factor in uniting people of the world, countering various extremist currents acting under the guise of Islam, was highly appreciated. 

At the plenary session of the international conference, reports were heard on peculiarities of Central Asian Renaissance, scientists of this period, scientific work conducted on the study of their heritage, international cooperation in this direction. 

Particular attention was paid to various aspects of scientific and cultural revival that occurred in Central Asia in the IХ-ХII and ХIV-ХV centuries, the analysis of contribution of Muhammad Khorezmi, Ahmad Farghani, Abu Rayhan Beruni, Ibn Sino, Mahmud Zamakhshari, Mirzo Ulugbek, Alisher Navoi and other scientists in development of science, into the spiritual heritage of such thinkers as Imam Bukhari, Burkhoniddin Marginoni, Imam Termizi, Abu Mansur Moturidi. 

Over 50 reports were heard during the international conference, which has become a convenient platform for the exchange of views and strengthening of scientific and practical relations between domestic and foreign scientists in the sphere of studying the heritage of great scientists and thinkers that played an important role in Central Asian Renaissance. The participants developed recommendations on the discussed themes and determined further tasks in this direction. 

The Chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan N.Yuldoshev delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of the international conference. 

Golib Khasanov, photo by Alisher Isroilov, UzA
