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Uzbekistan mobile operators: news and future plans

2017-08-17 | Tech

The number of mobile subscribers in our country has exceeded 21,5 million.

Today, mobile phones are not only the main means of communication, but also a multi-functional assistant for almost all occasions. The increased role of these devices in the daily life of people requires further improvement of the quality of mobile communications in accordance with the requirements of the times. Undoubtedly, this process largely depends on the number of base stations of cellular communication and their location. Recently there have been unsubstantiated rumors about harmful effects of such base stations. What is the real situation? 

These and other issues were discussed at the regular session of the International Press Club on “Mobile communications in Uzbekistan: problems and solutions”. 

Acting minister for development of information technologies and communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.Shermatov, deputy minister of health, Chief state sanitary doctor of the Republic of Uzbekistan S.Saidaliev, director of “Uzmobile” company V.Kravchenko, director general of “UMS” company S.Fakhrutdinov, director general of “Unitel” LLC D.Shukov and director general of “Ucell” company T.Grünberg answered questions from journalists and citizens online. 

The demand for mobile communications is growing as a result of accelerated development of technologies. According to the International telecommunication union, it is expected that by the end of the year the number of mobile communication users worldwide will reach 4,3 billion. 

If in 2016 there were 16,2 thousand base stations of cellular communication in our country, by the present time their number has reached 18 690. According to the plan defined in the Strategy of actions on five priority directions of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021, it is planned to establish 1 843 base stations this year. 

As for the health effects of cellular base stations, experts, based on data of authoritative and reliable research, stated: base stations do not pose a threat to human health. Authoritative organizations such as the World Health Organization, the International Commission on Radiological Protection, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers have been studying the effects of electromagnetic waves on human health for many years. Based on the results of such studies, recommendations have been developed on the limits of electromagnetic radiation for use in developing national and industry standards and norms. 

According to official statements of the World Health Organization, made in 2006 and 2011, the impact of electromagnetic radiation from cellular base stations and mobile devices on human health has not been confirmed. 

The State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Center of the Republic of Uzbekistan and other responsible organizations are carrying out constant control in this direction. Conclusion of this center also confirms the harmlessness of base stations of cellular communication. 

At the session of the International Press Club, the heads of mobile operators informed about innovations in the sphere, plans for the future.


Ulugbek Asrorov, UzA
