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Comprehensive preparation for the new academic year-an actual task

2017-08-03 | Politics

On August 2, 2017, under the chairmanship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, a videoconference dedicated to issues of introduction of 11-year secondary education by ensuring mutual integration between general educational schools and secondary specialized, professional educational institutions, cardinal reforming of the secondary specialized and professional education system was held.

The meeting was attended by the Prime Minister and his deputies, heads of relevant ministries and departments, at places – chairman of the Jokargy Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokims of the regions and the city of Tashkent, heads of the territorial directorates of public education and secondary specialized, professional education, rectors of higher educational institutions, teachers and pedagogues, public representatives. 

Many proposals are introduced on establishment of 10-11-year educational system in general educational schools at the meetings of the head of our state with people, public representatives in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the regions and the city of Tashkent, in the appeals from parents to the People’s receptions and the Virtual reception of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 

The working group, which consisted of representatives of the Ministry of public education, the Ministry of higher and secondary special education, the Center for secondary special, professional education, rectors of higher educational institutions, the general public, studied wishes of parents, students and the general public about the continuation of education from 2017-2018 of the 9th grade students in the 10th grade of general educational schools, academic lyceums or professional colleges. 

At the same time, 352 thousand out of 466 thousand graduates of the 9th grade of general educational schools expressed a desire to continue their studies in the 10th grade, and 114 thousand in academic lyceums and professional colleges. 

At the meeting, the need to take into account and realize the wishes of students and their parents, to prevent difficulties and obstacles in continuing education was noted. It was emphasized that strict measures would be taken if such incidents were committed with regard to khokims, heads of departments of public education and educational institutions of relevant districts. 

Heads of the Center of secondary special, professional education and the Ministry of public education were instructed, together with local khokimiyats, to ensure, until August 20, the continuation of each student’s education in a particular school, lyceum or professional college. 

At the videoconference, based on the wishes of students and parents, the issue of introducing a new system of professional education in our country – industrial training complexes was discussed. Responsible departments and officials have been identified on equipping the industrial training complexes with training equipment, necessary equipment for mastering professional skills before the start of the new academic year. 

Activists, aksakals of makhallas, preventive inspectors, primary organizations of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan, khokims of districts, cities are given corresponding instructions on raising the quality of teaching and educational process in general educational schools, studying and critically discussing attendance of students on the Day of prevention that is held on Thursdays. 

Before the beginning of the academic year, industrial training complexes will be organized, where nearby schools will be attached on the basis of training workshops of professional colleges. In addition, establishment of industrial training complexes at the own bases of schools located far from professional colleges is defined. 

Students will study more than 50 professions, such as a locksmith, seamstress, driver, cook, hairdresser, embroiderer, potter, confectioner, baker, carpenter, plasterer, painter and others in the industrial training complexes. Students who have mastered the professional skills in these industrial training complexes will receive a state-recognized document along with a certificate of 11-year education that gives the right to work. 

At the meeting, particular attention was paid to issues of social protection of each teacher of professional colleges, whose training hours were shortened, providing them with work by their specialty before the start of the new academic year. Responsible officials are given corresponding instructions. 

Issues of providing students of the 10th grades of general educational schools with modern textbooks developed according to new curricula and programs from 2017-2018 were considered. Relevant organizations have been assigned to conduct organized activity on timely and qualitative publication of textbooks. 

Issues related to organization of 10-11 grades in specialized educational institutions for gifted children, expansion of the network of non-governmental educational institutions were also discussed, appropriate decisions were made. 

Heads of responsible ministries and departments are given corresponding instructions on qualitative preparation of educational institutions for the new academic year, the autumn-winter season, as well as completion of construction and repair works, equipping objects included in the Investment program by August 20.
