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Horse breeding and equestrian sport are developing

2017-07-21 | Politics

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev got acquainted with the activities of “Uzbegim otlari” stud farm in Urtachirchik district.

In our country, special attention is paid to the development of horse breeding and equestrian sport, strengthening their material-technical and fodder base, training and improving skills of specialists in the sphere, breeding thoroughbred, sports and service horses on the basis of studying the best practices of foreign countries. An important guide to action in this direction is the resolution of the head of our state “On additional measures for further development of horse breeding and equestrian sport in the Republic of Uzbekistan” of June 15 this year. 

“Uzbegim otlari” stud farm was organized in 1992. Its area occupies more than 140 hectares. The farm is specialized in breeding ancient horse breeds, including Akhal-Teke horses. According to historical sources, the Akhal-Teke breed of horses appeared five thousand years ago. In the written sources of people of Asia, they are referred to as “Heavenly horses”, “Argamaks”, “The fastest horses”. Ancient wall drawings show that in the past Akhal-Teke horses were met in Fergana valley and Khorezm, now most of the horses of this breed are kept in Turkmenistan. 

Currently, “Uzbegim otlari” stud farm has about 300 horses. Here, there are horses of English and Arab breeds in addition to the Akhal-Teke. 

Participants were demonstrated a thoroughbred stallion named Dustkhon, presented to the President of our country Shavkat Mirziyoyev by the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. 

A presentation of promising projects was held on increasing the number of thoroughbred horses, improving breeding activities at the stud farm.


Umar Asrorov, photo by Alo Abdullayev, UzA
