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Pamela Spratlen: Uzbekistan is a beautiful country with friendly people and a bright future

2015-03-19 | Society

On the eve of Navruz public holiday, UzA reporter has interviewed Pamela Spratlen, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the U.S. to Uzbekistan.

- You have been recently appointed as the U.S. Ambassador to Uzbekistan, what are your impressions about our country?

- My first impression is that Uzbekistan is a beautiful country with friendly people and a bright future. I visited Tashkent as part of a U.S. delegation in 2008 and at that time had a chance to travel to ancient Bukhara. Even then I was overwhelmed by the hospitality and kindness of the Uzbek people. My first few weeks living here have only reinforced this impression. Uzbekistan is truly a country where hospitable, friendly and hard-working people full of energy and optimism live and work for a better future. Especially, I value the young people of Uzbekistan who are eager to study, learn and share the best of Uzbekistan's culture with the world at large. I also like Uzbek music and dance and already had a chance to participate in wonderful public performances in Tashkent. I am very happy to have come here when I did, on the cusp of the celebration of Navruz, an ancient holiday which speaks of the renewal of spring, and of the growth of the New Year coming from the chill of winter. I look forward to learning more about your country, its rich history and storied culture.

- Can you please tell about achievements made in terms of bilateral cooperation between our countries?

- Well before my arrival our shared achievements started to grow in scope and number. The cooperation between the United States and Uzbekistan continues to grow year by year. Since the first days of Uzbekistan's independence, Uzbekistan and the United States have approached our relationship based on shared interests, mutual respect, and frank dialogue. The United States has been unwavering in its support of the sovereignty and independence of Uzbekistan, and since the early days of independence our common interests have multiplied. These include ensuring regional stability and security cooperation, supporting economic development for both our nations, promoting greater people-to-people understanding through exchanges, and guaranteeing respect for fundamental freedoms. For example, we are collaborating in the area of judicial education, bringing American judges and legal practitioners to meet with their counterparts in Uzbekistan and hosting Uzbekistan's legal professionals in the United States. We are also working with Uzbek universities to develop English language teaching programs and to deepen and broaden exchange opportunities between our peoples. I see great promise in developing our contacts in trade and agriculture, education and culture. I fully anticipate that our relations will continue to expand in the years to come and would like to take this opportunity to emphasize the United States' lasting commitment to Uzbekistan and all its citizens.

- Which directions in development between Uzbekistan and USA you determine as the most important for your mission?

- First of all, the U.S. is a strong partner in Uzbekistan's goal of ensuring its independence, economic prosperity, stability, and democracy. We share the desire for enhancing peaceful development in a secure, strong and independent Central Asia. Our joint efforts in this area include programs to address counterterrorism, counternarcotics, and nonproliferation. We are committed to broadening and deepen our relationship across a growing number of fields, including scientific, economic, health and cultural cooperation, as well as in the field of education.

- What are your wishes to people of Uzbekistan ahead of Navruz?

- On behalf of the Embassy and the people of the United States, I would like to offer heartfelt congratulations and good wishes to the people of Uzbekistan on the occasion of Navruz. From the bottom of my heart, please accept my warmest greetings on this holiday symbolizing renewal. I wish all the people of Uzbekistan peace, happiness, prosperity and good health.
