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Shavkat Mirziyoyev: “Success accompanies those who honor elders”

2017-07-08 | Politics

Noble work is carried out at the initiative of the head of our state on raising the living standards of the older generation, supporting their participation in socio-political life of our country.

The Decree of the President of our country “On measures of further improving activities of the “Nuroniy” Foundation on social support of veterans of Uzbekistan” of December 28, 2016 contributes to expansion of the scale and increasing the effectiveness of activities carried out in this direction. 

The head of our state got acquainted with a new building of the regional branch of the “Nuroniy” Foundation and “Nuroniylar maskani” complex. 

Honoring elders, respecting and taking care of people of respectable age are the noble qualities of our people. In our country, special attention is paid to social support for the elderly, improving living conditions, strengthening their health, because success accompanies those who honor elders, said the head of our state. 

A new administrative building and a chaikhana (teahouse) have been built in the regional office. All rooms of the office are equipped with modern furniture and computer technologies. Necessary conditions are created for working. 

The President of our country got acquainted with conditions in “Nuroniylar maskani” complex, talked with aksakals (elders). 

During the conversation, special attention was paid to issues of qualitative education of youth, improvement of primary educational system, formation of high reading culture among youth, and ensuring employment of the population. 

The head of our state visited the park of recreation and culture named after Bobur, where he got acquainted with the activity of the Association of florists. 

It is necessary to pay special attention to floriculture, comprehensively support the association by providing it with land areas, organizing departments of the association in each district of the region, attracting highly qualified florists, said Shavkat Mirziyoyev. 

The President of our country gave corresponding instructions on organization of a special faculty for teaching youth the secrets of floriculture, establishing even more active cooperation with the Academy of sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan in this direction.


Abu Bakir Urozov, photo by Yolkin Shamsiddinov, UzA
