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New exploration drilling well is commissioned in Mingbulak oil field

2017-07-07 | Politics

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the Uzbek-Chinese joint venture “Mingbulokneft” in Mingbulok region.

The head of our state, during the state visit to China on May 11-13 of this year, met with the Chairman of the board of directors of China National Petroleum Corporation Van Ilin. This corporation is taking an active part in exploration and development of hydrocarbon deposits in the territory of our country, deep processing of natural gas in Muborak gas chemical complex. Prospects of implementing high-tech projects and issues of attracting Chinese investments in priority sectors of the economy of Uzbekistan were discussed at the meeting. 

“Exploration and development of Mingbulok field” is a large-scale and long-term project. Within its framework, it is envisaged to put 4 exploratory drilling wells into operation and repair 4 available wells. 

The project is included in the target list of the Investment program of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017, currently the main contractor –“Xibu Duolling Engineering” company has completed the preparation of the drilling site and shift camp. This year, it is planned to absorb 15 million dollars of investments, attracted from the financial and commercial institutions of China to repair the administrative building of the deposit, commissioning an exploration-drilling rig M15 and implementing other activities. 

Recently, an exploration well M15 was launchedin the field. Drilling operations at the well will be conducted at great depths – up to 6 thousand meters at anomalous pressure – 1200 atmospheres in conditions of complex geological structure of reservoirs, which requires the use of the most advanced engineering solutions. As a result of this project, it is planned to produce 200 thousand tons of liquid hydrocarbon per year worth more than 255 million dollars, designed for 25 years. 

More than 130 workplaces have been created with introduction of M15 exploration well. 

The President of our country noted that this enterprise would play an important role in further development of the economy. Conducted a conversation with builders and Chinese specialists. 

Information was provided on the results of geological exploration in Fergana valley, which allowed identifying reserves of many types of natural resources. In the future, modern enterprises will be created for their development. 

Presentation of the project of construction of hydroelectric power stations in Namangan region was held. 

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the Program of measures for further development of hydropower for 2017-2021” of May 2, 2017 in Namangan region, it is planned to build small hydroelectric power stations with a total capacity of 38,5 megawatts with an average annual power generation of 150,8 million kilowatt-hours. In particular, construction of a cascade of small hydropower plants on Great Fergana Canal is planned on the territory of Uchkurgan district. 

The President of our country noted that waterpower is a great opportunity given to us by nature. It is beneficial for its renewability, ecological purity and accessibility. He also noted that, based on the experience of China, small hydro power plants will be built in all regions of our country in the future, most of the electricity demand will be provided through hydropower. 

Particular attention was paid to construction of water treatment facilities, expansion of the scale of drinking water supply for the population. The need for a systematic approach to the solution of these problemswas noted. Responsible officials were given relevant instructions.


Akramjon Sattorov, Anvar Samadov, photo by Yolkin Shamsiddinov, UzA
