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Shavkat Mirziyoyev: “Haste is unacceptable in educating youth”

2017-07-07 | Politics

Many great scientists and thinkers were born and grew up in Namangan. Such poets and enlighteners as Makhdumi Azam Kosoniy, Boborakhim Mashrab, Fazli, Nodim Namangani, Mukhammadsharif Sufizoda and others lived here.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev, at the meeting with voters of Namangan region, which was held on November 2, 2016 emphasized the life and activities of Ishokhon Ibrat and proposed creation of a modern park, a memorial complex and a school in honor of Ibrat. 

Enlightener Ishokhon Ibrat was born in the 19th century in Turakurgan, he knew such languages ​​as Arabic, Russian, Persian, English, French, Hindi and Urdu, said the President of our country. He visited many countries of the world, had extensive knowledge of science, culture and art of the East and Europe, brought advanced technical innovations of his time to our country. 

Ibrat was one of the first printers in our country. In 1908, he bought a lithographic machine in Orenburg, took it by train to Kokand, then on camels to Turakurgan and opened “Ishokiya” printing office in his house. The enlightener was the author of many scientific, pedagogical and artistic works, he opened a school and a library in his village, created a modern type of recreation park for people, developed and published a six-language dictionary in his own printing house, which is considered unique today. His famous work “History of Fergana” is one of the important sources about the history of our country. 

The proposal of the head of our state was widely supported by the public, a shady garden and a memorial complex, as well as school of Ishokhon Ibrat are being created in Turakurgan. 

The garden along with creation of amenities for the rest of the population will serve to increase the spirituality of people. A monument to the enlightener will be erected here. The museum will acquaint visitors with the life and multifaceted works of Ishokhon Ibrat. Young people will learn foreign languages at the school of Ibrat. All these objects, united in a single complex, will play an important role in promoting the great merits of the enlightener, studying his heritage. 

Our great ancestor did not take the pseudonym “Ibrat” in vain, said the President of our country. His life devoted to the development of the Motherland and prosperity of the country served and serves as an outstanding example for all of us. 

The head of our state noted the need to improve this complex meaningfully, organize a language school under Namangan state university, establish specialized teaching of foreign languages in cooperation with Tashkent state university of Uzbek language and literature named after Alisher Navoiy and Uzbekistan state university of world languages. Instructions were given on creating necessary conditions for teachers and students, improvement of the territory adjacent to the complex. 

Speaking about upbringing of youth, the President of our country noted that haste is unacceptable in this issue, it is necessary to take comprehensively considered decisions taking into account wishes and requests of youth and parents. 

Shavkat Mirziyoyev met with people in Namangan Street of Turakurgan and held a dialogue with them. Residents expressed their joy over the President’s visit and appreciation for the ongoing reforms.


Anvar Samadov, photo by Sarvar Urmanov, UzA
