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Specialists of Uzbekistan and Belarus exchange experiences

2017-07-03 | Tech

In Tashkent, an event has been held on the development of the ICT (information and communication technology) industry of Uzbekistan and its role in the development of the economy of this country.

It was attended by specialists of Belarus Hi-Tech Park. They shared their experience of creating ramified information infrastructure and supporting initiatives and projects of young programmers. 

Uzbekistan’s Ministry for the Development of Information Technologies and Communications signed a number of agreements and memorandums with IT (information technology) enterprises and establishments of Belarus. These serve as a basis for close cooperation between the two countries in the development of ICT and the training of highly qualified IT personnel. 

At the event, specialists of Uzbekistan and Belarus were able to exchange practical experiences and opinions on prospects for and possibilities of the further development of the software industry and on raising the quality of training programmers and engineers. 

It has been said that in the entire world IT industries are regarded as one of the dynamically developing and promising economic sectors. Profits from this high-tech sector already account for a significant part of the GDP of many developed countries. 

With every passing year, the number of IT companies in Uzbekistan is increasing. They are developing various sectors of the software industry, writing and producing high-quality and modern programs for establishments and enterprises in the country. 

In accordance with a resolution dated 21 March 2012 by the First President of Uzbekistan, Islam Karimov, “On measures to introduce and further develop modern information and communication technologies”, a range of measures are being carried out to introduce modern M2M and fibre-optic technologies. 

A large number of ministries, departments, state bodies, medical and educational establishments of this country have their own electronic and automated systems and databases. Thanks to this, it became possible to integrate modern IT systems, helping to further raise the effectiveness of work in practically all socio-economic spheres. 

As part of the event, Belarusian specialists gave a presentation and spoke about the experience of creating Belarus Hi-Tech Park and about educational programs being implemented there. They said that the IT sector had turned into one of the key sectors of the economy of Belarus and that its income had already exceeded that of the machine-building sector. 

Today Belarus Hi-Tech Park residents alone export about 820 million dollars worth of services a year. 

Uzbekistan also has great prospects for the development of its IT industry. 

During the event, there was discussion about prospects for the further development of cooperation between IT companies of Uzbekistan and Belarus.


Roman Bondarchuk, UzA
