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Shavkat Mirziyoyev: “It is necessary to radically improve the effectiveness of the internal affairs bodies’ activities”

2017-06-30 | Politics

The head of our state visited the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, got acquainted with conditions created there.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev paid special attention to issues of increasing the effectiveness of the internal affairs bodies’ activities, further improving their interaction with khokimiyats, civil society institutions at places, improving the living conditions of prevention inspectors, providing qualified personnel at the video-conference, which was held on February 9 this year, dedicated to the internal affairs bodies’ activities, problems and shortcomings in the sphere, challenges for the future. 

The legal basis of radical reforms in the system of internal affairs bodies has been improved. New tasks have been set before the employees of the internal affairs bodies by the Decree of the President of our country “On measures of radically increasing the effectiveness of the internal affairs bodies’ activities, strengthening their responsibility for ensuring public order, reliable protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens” of April 10 and the Resolution of the head of our state “On organizational measures of further improving activities of internal affairs bodies” of April 12 of this year. 

The Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan is one of the largest higher educational institutions in Central Asia on training of law enforcement personnel. It is organized in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of September 2, 1994. 

The Academy has four modern educational buildings, two houses for listeners, a hotel and other necessary infrastructure. There are 18 lecture halls, more than 150 classrooms and educational-methodical rooms for conducting training classes. There is a sports complex with three halls and a swimming pool, a stadium, sports grounds for tennis and athletic training, a shooting range with two galleries, a criminalistics polygon, a telecentre with a local network, a psychological support center, more than 20 computer classes equipped with modern computers at the disposal of listeners. 

Listeners can use three libraries, the book fund, where there are more than 500 thousand copies of educational, scientific, socio-political, special and artistic literature, including periodicals and information publications. There is also a printing house equipped with modern computer and printing equipment. 

The Academy has a countryside military training center for conducting practical training in conditions close to real, and special tactical exercises, where there is a lecture hall for 600 people, training classes, a tactical town, a town of protection against weapons of mass destruction, a “YAK-40” airliner for development of operations on seizing armed criminals in various conditions, the underground complex “SHRON”, a shooting range for shooting practice from a machine gun, a rifle, a sniper rifle and a pistol. 

Great attention is paid to taking care of the health and leisure of listeners and employees. There is a mini-clinic for 30 beds on the territory of the Academy. Landscaping of the territory has been carried out, dozens of flower beds have been created, 10 fountains are working. 

At present, construction and repair work is being carried out on the territory of the Academy. 

The head of our state got acquainted with the projects on five priority directions for further development of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2017-2021. 

The President of our country gave appropriate instructions on provision of training of highly qualified professional personnel, enhancing the professional skills of personnel, deepening their spiritual and educational, legal knowledge.


Umar Asrorov, photo by Yolkin Shamsiddinov, UzA
