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President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited “Nuroniylar maskani” complex in the city of Fergana

2017-06-23 | Politics

President of our country got acquainted with conditions created in “Nuroniylar maskani” complex on the second day of the trip to Fergana region.

In our country, special attention is paid to showing attention and respect to representatives of the older generation, their social protection, further improving the living conditions. The Decree of the President of our country “On measures of further improving activities of the “Nuroniy” Foundation on social support of veterans of Uzbekistan” of December 28, 2016 serves as an important guide to action in this direction. 

All conditions are created for organizing meaningful leisure for veterans at places. “Nuroniylar maskani” complex in Fergana is built in the park of culture and recreation named after Al-Fargoni. It provides necessary conditions for the older generation. Aksakals may use a library with national and world literature, a gym equipped with modern sports equipment, medical office, phytobar and a teahouse. 

Terraces and carved columns created by skilled artisans are increasing the beauty of the social center. 

The President of our country noted that it is necessary to further improve conditions that are created here, in particular, to allocate a bus for older people. Recommendations were given on ensuring consistency of aksakals’ activities with youth, increasing their role in strengthening spiritual stability in society.


Umar Asrorov, Sarvar Urmanov (photo), UzA
