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Our national pride is our strong support

2017-06-23 | Politics

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited Kokand city theater.

In our country, spirituality of the population, especially of the youth, is increasing through further development of culture and art, strengthening the material and technical base of the sphere on the basis of modern requirements. The Decree of the President of our country “On measures of further development and improvement of the sphere of culture and art” of May 31 of this year serves as an important guide to continuation of activities in this direction at a new level. 

Historical monuments are being restored in all regions of our country, new institutions of culture and spirituality are being built and the existing ones are reconstructed. 

Kokand city theater was built in 1987. Building of the theater, including the hall for 750 spectators was repaired in a modern style. 

The President of our country expressed his opinion on further raising the level and prestige of the theater among people, during conversation with actors. 

Highly artistic works are needed for turning the theater into a real center of spirituality and art, said the head of our state. For this, it is necessary to organize meetings with famous artists, playwrights, establish a creative environment here. 
Instructions were given on supporting creative workers, strengthening the material and technical base of the theater. The need to provide the creative team with make-up and wigs, costumes, and the theater with stage scenery, curtains and other structures, was noted. Special attention was paid to issues of improving qualification of actors and producers, training of young specialists.


Anvar Samadov, UzA
