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Shavkat Mirziyoyev: “All opportunities are created for small business and private entrepreneurship, it is necessary to use them

2017-06-22 | Politics

The President of our country visited “Mindonobod agrosanoat” agro firm of Fergana district, got acquainted with the ongoing projects on development of the region’s agriculture.

In our country, large-scale activities are carried out on growing qualitative fruit and vegetable products and ensuring the needs of the population, increasing export potential. In particular, prospective projects aimed at increasing grapes cultivation, exporting products, ensuring food safety are being introduced into practice. 

“Mindonobod agrosanoat” agro firm is specialized in viticulture, and industrial varieties are grown on 720 hectares. The enterprise is capable to grow 5 thousand tons of production a year, has capacities for primary processing of 3 thousand tons of grapes, production of 650 thousand pieces of briquettes. To do this, 89 people are attracted to permanent, more than 300 people to seasonal work. Drip irrigation technology is used in caring of vineyards. 

The agro firm is envisaging to cultivate 15 thousand tons of grapes per year, export products for 1 million US dollars by expanding the existing vineyards to a thousand hectares. 450 thousand seedlings of vineyard will be planted, a Chinese irrigation system based on solar energy will be installed. 

250 people will be provided with work with complete launch of this project. 

The head of our state noted that wide opportunities have been created for small business and private entrepreneurship. The Decree of June 21 “On measures of further supporting domestic exporting organizations and improving foreign economic activities” is aimed at creating broad opportunities for even more effective activity of the sphere representatives. 

Fergana region is famous for its enterprising people who know a lot about entrepreneurship. However, our compatriots not always received income according to the invested labor. It is necessary to put an end to such injustice. Benefits created by the new decree will serve their material incentives, obtaining a stable income and improving welfare of a family and society, arrangements for children and embodiment of their hopes and aspirations, said Shavkat Mirziyoyev. 

Information was provided on projects planned for implementation by “Uzvinosanoat-holding” company in 2017-2018 in Fergana region. The company plans to implement six projects worth 63 billion 256 million sums, create about 200 workplaces in cooperation with commercial banks. As a result, large capacities for growing, storing, processing of agricultural products will be created in the region on empty areas, the volume of exports will increase. 

“Big agro logistic” LLC in Kuva district is organizing a modern logistics center, designed for processing, drying, packing and export of fruit and vegetable products. 

The total cost of the project is 7,2 million dollars. In the first year it is envisaged to export products for 6,5 million dollars, after five years – 10 million dollars. Technological lines of production of Italy and Turkey will be installed in the logistics center, a storage facility with a capacity of 5 thousand tons of products and processing capacity of 7 thousand tons of fruits and vegetables will be created. 

The launch of the project will allow to create 180 workplaces. 

Projects are carried out on packing fruits and vegetables in “Elit konserva” LLC in the city of Kokand, sorting, drying and storage of agricultural products in “Eco Export Trade” LLC in Altyaryk district. These projects are of particular importance in further strengthening the region’s export potential, creating new workplaces and increasing the well-being of the population. 

In the current year, new pomegranate plantations on 50 hectares have been created in “Fargona anorzori” LLC in Kuva district. In the future, it is planned to collect more than 700 tons of harvest as a result of care of this garden on the basis of agro technical norms. Tomatoes, cucumbers, Bulgarian pepper and other vegetables, legumes are planted between rows of pomegranate plantations. 

The agro firm is planning to expand pomegranate plantations to 2 thousand hectares, to increase the yield to 30 thousand tons in the coming years. 

The President of our country noted that Kuva and Dashnabad pomegranates are in demand far beyond our country, both varieties have their own healing properties. It was emphasized that pomegranates are a non-waste product. Their peel is used in the chemical industry for providing color, and as raw materials in pharmaceuticals. Responsible officials were given appropriate recommendations on further expansion of pomegranate plantations and increasing exports of this vitamin product. 

Presentation of projects implemented in the region by the National bank for foreign economic activities on cultivation and processing of agricultural products was held. 10 of these projects worth 64,4 million dollars are financed by the China Development Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the Fund for Reconstruction and Development of Uzbekistan. By the end of the year, it is envisaged to finance five more projects. As a result, more than 68 thousand tons of fruits and vegetables will be processed, products for 25,7 million dollars will be exported in 2017-2018. 

The head of our state also examined the project, implemented on the basis of the former Uchkuprik canning factory in Uchkuprik district. 

“Volley Mountains Fresh” LLC initiates this project. Existing enterprises will be modernized, refrigerators for storing fruits and packing equipment will be installed at the expense of 10,5 billion sums, of which 7,4 billion sums is a loan of “Ipoteka bank”. 

In the first quarter of 2018, the first phase of the project will be launched, in the fourth quarter – the second. As a result, a thousand tons of tomato paste, as many purees and concentrates, canned fruits and vegetables will be delivered to the population. Products will be also exported. 170 workplaces will be created due to the launch of this project. 

The President of our country noted the availability of all opportunities and conditions, raw materials and labor force for development of processing industry in the region. He gave necessary instructions to officials on their effective use, wide involvement of entrepreneurs in the industry.


Matnazar Elmurodov, Farkhod Kurbanbayev (photo), UzA
