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Businessmen of Uzbekistan visited Switzerland

2017-06-22 | Economics

A business forum of business circles of Uzbekistan and Switzerland was held in Zurich. 

The event was attended by representatives of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, “Uzfarmsanoat” JSC and the Fund for supporting export of small business and private entrepreneurship under the National bank for foreign economic activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as about ten companies of our country engaged in textile and pharmaceutical industries. 

Swiss businessmen were provided with information on the export potential of small business and private entrepreneurship entities, services provided by the Fund, and the achieved results, priority areas for bilateral cooperation, commercial offers of producers of Uzbekistan for foreign buyers. 

An agreement has been reached within the framework of the business forum, according to which activities on establishment and further intensifying cooperation with importing enterprises, large trading networks and retail companies, business associations and other partner organizations in Switzerland and countries of the European Union with the goal of exporting products of small business and private entrepreneurship entities to markets of these countries, participation of entrepreneurs of Uzbekistan in exhibitions and fairs, conducting joint activities, obtaining necessary licenses and certificates, will be organized. 

Representative office of the Fund in Switzerland and European Union countries will also study market conditions, conduct marketing research, exchange information in the sphere of legislation on implementation of export of products from Uzbekistan to Europe on a systematic basis. 

During bilateral business negotiations, the parties discussed issues of establishing cooperation in relevant areas. Representatives of Swiss companies were acquainted with commercial offers of Uzbek companies, promising projects for joint implementation. 

The delegation of Uzbekistan visited “SkyCell AG” (Switzerland) company, which is specialized in development and production of special pharmaceutical containers used for transportation of pharmaceuticals and substances that require special storage conditions. An agreement have been reached between “Uzgermed Pharm” JV and “SkyCell AG” company on establishing cooperation in export of products of Uzbekistan to foreign markets. 

At present, the Fund for supporting export of small business and private entrepreneurship in cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the FRG is considering the issue of organizing the export of canned pilaf to markets of Germany and Switzerland. Negotiations are in progress with the foreign party on obtaining a corresponding certificate required in accordance with EU legislation when importing this type of product. 

Nodira Manzurova, UzA 
