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President Shavkat Mirziyoyev: Let’s not forget that stock raising is a profitable sphere

2017-06-02 | Politics

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev has inspected the work of the Bakht Imkon Rivoj Chorvasi multi-functional farm in Oltinkol District.

In this country, special attention is being paid to supporting the activity of multi-functional farms. Bakht Imkon Rivoj Chorvasi is one of such economic entities developing thanks to this attention. 

At this farm, there are nearly 2 thousand purebred cattle and 300 pedigree goats. This farm uses advanced technologies to carry out its work, and it is highly productive. Here every cow produces 25-28 litres of milk a day, and every goat produces 3-3.5 litres of milk every day. This farm supplies about 20 tonnes of milk a day to enterprises that process milk. 

For the purpose of creating additional jobs, new projects are being implemented at the farm. 

The Head of State inspected a project of bringing in 700 purebred goats. 

This project is regarded as highly promising, and it is to be implemented this year. 

Stock raising is a profitable sphere. Let’s not forget this, said the President. 

Goat’s milk is good for health, and there is high demand for it not only in this country but also in foreign countries. The necessity of distributing two goats to every household in this district was noted. 

Agricultural projects being implemented by farms are being supported by the state. 300 hectares of land was allocated for a farm in Ulughnor District. Of this land, 200 hectares will be used for the production of walnuts, and 100 hectares for jujubes production. Drip irrigation will be used there. 

Another promising project of this farm is the production of biogas. Modern technologies made in China will be used to produce 600 thousand cubic metres of biogas a year. Once the farm starts implementing this project, nearly 40 new jobs will be created. 

The President gave proper recommendations on work being carried out as part of those projects.


Abu Bakir Orozov, photo by Sarvar Ormonov, UzA

Source: UzA
