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President Mirziyoyev was presented economic projects

2017-05-06 | Politics

President of our country Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited «Toshkent qog'ozi» LLC in Yashnobod district. 

In accordance with the point 3.5 of the Actions Strategy on five priority areas of developing the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021, consistent works on modernization and diversification of the economy, effective utilisation of natural, industrial, agricultural and labour resources of each region are carried out to increase the quality of life and incomes of the population. 

The Head of our state, during the trips to the regions and metropolitan districts, visits empty and underutilised facilities, puts concrete tasks on establishing on their basis new manufacturing enterprises, organization of small industrial zones. This leads to effective use of available buildings and capacities, enhancing production, creation of new workplaces. 

The total area of «Toshkent qog'ozi» LLC is over 12 hectares; the buildings and facilities are located on 4,5 hectares. The necessary infrastructure and possibilities for organizing industrial capacities are available here. 

The President of our country underlined the need to effectively use available opportunities, providing buildings and facilities for rent to entrepreneurs for manufacturing of export-oriented products. 

A presentation of social-economic projects, which will be implemented in Yashnobod district was held here. 

Manufacturing of medicines and medical products, uniforms, fat and oil products, travertine and marble slabs, metal hedges, construction of recreational facilities, a market and an exhibition centre are planned to be realized under the assistance of commercial banks. 

Shavkat Mirziyoyev, having reviewed the projects, gave corresponding instructions to the relevant officials on each project.
