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Due to large-scale construction work Jizzakh town’s appearance is changing a great deal

2017-04-27 | Politics

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev has considered construction projects that are to be carried out as part of the implementation of the general development plan of the town of Jizzakh. 

In the town of Jizzakh, too, as in all the other towns of this country, large-scale construction and improvement work is being carried out in these years. Modern buildings, new roads, streets and avenues are being created. 

An architectural concept project for Temiryolchilar (railway workers) and Tashkent Streets is directed towards the development of railway infrastructure and the provision of people with modern and affordable housing. Under this project, a new four-lane road will be built. This 900-metre road will link those two streets, ease traffic and create conveniences for those who use the railway station. On this new street, modern five- and seven-storey apartment houses will be constructed. On Mustaqillik (independence) Street, too, seven-storey buildings are to be built. And Uzbekistan Street is to be widened. 

Modern four-storey apartment house construction projects were presented. Such apartment houses are to be built in the district centres of the region. 

The Head of State said that this new street and houses would play an important role in changing the town’s appearance and in raising the prosperity of its population. 

There was also a presentation of projects for the creation of avenues of Sharof Rashidov, Hamid Olimjon and Zulfiya. 

At a meeting with voters in Jizzakh Region on 18 November 2016, Shavkat Mirziyoyev put forward a proposal to celebrate the 100th birth anniversary of Sharof Rashidov, the Uzbek people’s prominent son, and to build a memorial complex in his native land of Jizzakh. 

As part of the implementation of this initiative, Jizzakh District was renamed Sharof Rashidov District. 

On 27 March 2017, the President’s resolution “On celebrating the 100th birth anniversary of prominent statesman and writer Sharof Rashidov” was adopted. 

In accordance with this document, consistent work is in progress. In Jizzakh, an avenue named after Sharof Rashidov is being created. His monument will be put up there. The avenue will be opened in November this year. 

Instructions were given to create Hamid Olimjon and Zulfiya avenues and to establish their creative schools. 

Ziyodulla Jonibekov, UzA
