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Shavkat Mirziyoyev: "Every job is important for us"

2017-04-14 | Politics

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev is getting acquainted with creative works, the reforms processes under implementation in Samarkand region.

The Head of our state visited «Galla Osiyo non» LLC in Jomboy district, where a presentation of large projects, to be implemented in the region in the near future, was held. 

Information on the project of growing intensive seedlings in the «Sharq sanoat» concern was presented to the President of Uzbekistan. Specialists from Poland talked about the significance and advantages of this modern technology. Seedlings, grown on this method, are distinctive in their resistance to diseases and early maturity. 

Instructions were given to organize a new centre on growing potatoes in Samarkand and its interregional branches. The President underscored the need to open laboratories of this sphere in the regions. 

A presentation of “Tokhir” LLC, to be founded in Bulungur district, was also held. Effective works on stable year-round supply of vegetables, potatoes, fruits and melons, increasing the exports of demanded and competitive fresh and processed fruits and vegetable products in foreign markets are carried out in our country. 

The demand for agricultural products, grown in our country, is high in the world markets. Specialists of the new company, having studied comprehensively the demand and supply in this regard, plan to commission the facilities in the third quarter of this year. 

The company, located on 11 ha, will process 12 thousand tons of fruits and vegetables annually. 

The next three projects, presented to President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, will specialise in sorting, processing and packaging fruit and vegetable products at «Samarkand garden plast» LLC in Bulungur district, «Green agro export» in Jomboy district, as well as “Marokand meva-sabzavot” farming unit. 

President of our country was provided with detailed information about the projects with an accent on creation of new jobs, export volumes, costs to be incurred by the project initiators, loans from banks and equipment. 

Shavkat Mirziyoyev gave necessary recommendations on further improving the projects. 

He also reviewed the project on manufacturing soy protein isolate by the «Yunusjon ahli» family enterprise in Oqdaryo district. The enterprise with a capacity of processing 26 tons of soy annually will be equipped with modern technologies of Chinese companies. The enterprise, to be commissioned in December this year, will produce soy oil, soy flour, protein isolate. 

The President of our country took an interest in new workplaces, to be created. It was highlighted that the enterprise will employ 80 people. 

Every new job is important for us. We are ready to thank each businessperson, who employed even two people, Shavkat Mirziyoyev remarked, as employment of people will serve as a foundation of the well-being of their family, increasing their confidence in the future and trust to the state.


Abu Bakir Urozov, UzA

Source: UzA
