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Book marathon at pre-school day care institution

2017-04-11 | Education

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev’s decree dated 12 January 2017 “On establishing a commission for the popularization of reading and the raising of book-reading culture and for the development of the system of the publication and distribution of books” is an important programme document in carrying out work on evoking interest among young people in reading books from childhood and on helping the formation of their book-reading culture.

This was especially emphasized at a book marathon conducted at pre-school day care institution No 145 in Mirzo Ulughbek district of the capital city on the slogan of “Five books for one child” at the initiative of the main library of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 

At this pre-school day care institution, nearly 400 boys and girls are getting education in modern conditions. This institution provides practical educational training in visual arts, music, preliminary mathematics, physical training, articulation, the English language, reading and writing. 

Not long ago, a library was set up here with help from the main library of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. This library was equipped with book shelves, catalogue boxes, reading tables and modern information technology. This institution’s children come here together with educators, their fathers and mothers and spend time meaningfully. Other children and their parents may also use services provided at this library. 

At the book marathon, the Ghofur Ghulom publishing and media house within the system of the press and information agency of Uzbekistan, active people of the neighbourhood and parents gave the library many books of Uzbek and world literature, books about thinkers’ lives and work and about the moral heroism of Uzbek people’s ancestors. 

This little girl holding a number of fairy tale books caught our attention. Her name is Mukhlisa, and she is one of those getting education at this institution. 

“Although my daughter is at six years of age she can read and write. Together with me, she reads fairy tale books. I will give my daughter books of children’s literature on her birthday and on holidays,” says her mother Sahlo. 

A concert of songs and dances by little boys and girls gave festive cheer to the event.
