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Visit of the Delegation of the Special Rapporteur of the UN Human Rights Council


On October 2-12, 2017, a delegation of the Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief of the UN Human Rights Council led by A.Shaheed will visit Uzbekistan. 

During the visit, members of the delegation will get acquainted with measures taken in Uzbekistan in the sphere of ensuring freedom of religion and belief, the positive experience of our country in this field, will develop appropriate recommendations. 

It should be noted that the special rapporteurs of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) are independent experts authorized to inform and present recommendations on human rights issues. This system is the central element of the UN’s activity in the sphere of human rights and covers all civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights. These tasks are defined in relevant resolutions of the UNHRC. 

Special rapporteurs, independent experts and members of working groups are appointed by the UNHRC. They commit themselves to ensuring the independence, effectiveness, competence and integrity of the study conducted on the principles of impartiality, conscientiousness and justice. The independent status of special rapporteurs is important so that they could perform their functions objectively. 

With support of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, special rapporteurs respond to individual cases of human rights violations and problems of a broader and more structural nature by sending messages to states or others that draw their attention to alleged violations of rights or abuses, contribute to the development of international human rights standards, participate in outreach activities, raise public awareness and provide recommendations on technical cooperation. 

Special rapporteurs submit annual reports to the UNHRC, and General Assembly, on the activities, trends and methods of work. 

Visit of A.Shaheed to Uzbekistan is his first country visit to Central Asia. 

During the visit, it is planned to hold meetings with representatives of state organizations and civil society institutions, the diplomatic corps accredited in Uzbekistan. 

In particular, meetings will be held in the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, with the Ombudsman, at the ministries of foreign affairs, internal affairs, justice, public education, higher and secondary special education, the Constitutional and Supreme Court, the Prosecutor General’s Office, the Committee on Religious Affairs, the Women’s Committee, the Muslim Board. 

The program of the visit includes meetings with representatives of national cultural centers and religious denominations, civil society institutions, public receptions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. It is also planned to hold press conferences with participation of representatives of international organizations, representatives of diplomatic corps accredited in Uzbekistan, NGOs, as well as students of Tashkent Islamic University. 

