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Republic of Uzbekistan



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Day of defenders of the Native land


This holiday in independent Uzbekistan is celebrated in honor of creation of own Armed forces. The parliament of the country on 14th January, 1992 has made a decision on transition of all parts and connections, military educational institutions and other military formations deployed in territory of the country, under jurisdiction of the Republic of Uzbekistan. So the beginning was necessary to creation of own Armed forces. On 29th December, 1993 January 14th has been declared by Day of defenders of the Native land.


New Year Holiday


This festival is celebrated widely in Uzbekistan and is considered as a holiday.


The date of adoption of the national anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan


The law "On national anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan" was adopted on the December 10, 1992 at the 11th session of the Supreme Council of Uzbekistan.

The national anthem of our country is a symbol of the sovereignty of the Republic.


The Constitution Day


The constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan is accepted by the Oliy Majlis (Parliament) on 8th December, 1992. This holiday is celebrated across all Uzbekistan


The date of adoption of the State Flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan


The law about "The State Flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan" was adopted on November 18 in 1991 in the 8th session of the Supreme Council of Uzbekistan.


The Day of Medical Workers


In accordance with the Law "On establishing the Day of medical workers of the Republic of Uzbekistan" adopted on September 12, 2006, annually the second Sunday in November is celebrated in our country as a professional holiday of medical workers.


Uzbekistan to host International Military Scientific Conference


On November 4-5, 2020, the Academy of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan, with the assistance of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, will hold international scientific conference on “Modern military conflicts and ways to prevent them”, via videoconference, reports IA “Dunyo” correspondent with reference to UzA.


Day of employees of internal affair bodies


Representatives of one of the most challenging and honorable professions – employees of internal affairs bodies of the Republic of Uzbekistan celebrate their professional holiday every year on 25 October.


United Nations Day


UN Day marks the anniversary of the entry into force in 1945 of the UN Charter


Day of teachers and mentors


Every year in Uzbekistan celebrated the Day of teachers and mentors. Deep respect for the teacher has taken roots in our territory during old times. "Domla", "Muallim", "Ustoz" - these words during many centuries with gratitude and respect the pupils received from the teachers not only knowledge on subject matters, but also manuals about the valid attitude to people, love to the Motherland, high morals and spirituality.

Students of schools and educational institutions deeply esteem all those who have given them the first vital knowledge. On this day, students with gratitude give flowers and gifts, make confession for their hard work in the course of life.