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Measures for the development of preschool and school education discussed

22.05.2023PoliticsSource: UzA

On May 22, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev got acquainted with the presentation of proposals for developing the preschool and school education system.

Measures to expand enrollment in preschool education discussed

17.05.2023PoliticsSource: UzA

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev got acquainted with the presentation of proposals for improving the system of preschool education.

Direct cooperation with universities in Italy will be established

12.04.2023EducationSource: Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Today, Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation Ibrokhim Abdurakhmonov also met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Italy to Uzbekistan Agostino Pinna.

Results of the first forum of rectors of Uzbekistan-Tajikistan

17.03.2023EducationSource: Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan

On March 14 this year, the National University of Tajikistan in Dushanbe hosted the first forum of rectors of the two countries on the topic "Bilateral relations between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Tajikistan in the field of higher education, science and innovation as the basis for the development of the national economy."

Uzbekistan – Singapore: New horizons for the development of multifaceted cooperation

17.01.2023PoliticsSource: UzA

On January 17, within the framework of the state visit of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to Singapore, negotiations were held with the President of this country Halimah Yacob and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.