The Government portal of the
Republic of Uzbekistan

Andijan regional administration

Abdurahmanov Shuhrat Kushaqbaevich
Days of reception:Every 4th Saturday
Times of reception:10:00-13:00

Karimov Dilshodbek Abdumalikovich
Position:First Deputy Chairman
Days of reception:Friday
Times of reception:10:00-13:00

Kholmatov Ibrojon Nabiyevich
Position:Deputies Hokim
Days of reception:Everyday
Times of reception:09:00-18:00

Xamraev Botirjon Baxramjonovich
Position:Deputies Hokim
Days of reception:Everyday
Times of reception:09:00-18:00

Ergashev Avazbek Yaqubjonovich
Position:Deputies Hokim
Days of reception:Everyday
Times of reception:09:00-18:00

Shukurov Utkirbek Ilxamovich
Position:Deputies Hokim
Days of reception:Everyday
Times of reception:09:00-18:00

Toshboev Sodiq Donaqulovich
Position:Deputies Hokim
Days of reception:_
Times of reception:_

Nishanov Maxamadjon Sadikjanovich
Position:Deputies Hokim
Days of reception:_
Times of reception:09:00-18:00