The Government portal of the
Republic of Uzbekistan

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Vakhabov Davron Abdujalolovich
Days of reception:First and third Tuesday
Times of reception:10:00-12:00

Jasimov Islom Kazimovich
Position:First deputy chairman
Days of reception:Second and fourth Tuesday
Times of reception:10:00-13:00

Mamajanov Jakhongir Ahmadjanovich
Position:Deputy Chairman
Days of reception:The first and third Friday of each month
Times of reception:10:00-13:00

Urakov Jamshed Rajabovich
Position:Deputy Chairman
Days of reception:_
Times of reception:_

Toshpolatov Farkhodjon Murodovich
Position:Deputy Chairman
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Abdullayev Ulugbek Tokhirovich
Position:Deputy Chairman
Days of reception:_
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