The Government portal of the
Republic of Uzbekistan

Almalyk Mining-Metallurgical Complex

Khursanov Abdullа Khalmurаdovich
Position:Chairman of the Board
Days of reception:last Tuesday of the month
Times of reception:09:00

Abdukadirov Abdujalil Abdukhalilovich
Position:First Deputy General Director - Chief Engineer
Days of reception:Thursday
Times of reception:16:00

Khamidova Feruza Rustamovna
Position:Deputy chairman for economics and finances
Days of reception:Friday
Times of reception:2:00 pm

Ismayilov Kamol Bakhodirovich
Position:Acting deputy Chairman of the commercial issues
Days of reception:Tuesday
Times of reception:16:00

Salimov Kamoliddin Tuxtasinovich
Position:Acting Deputy Chairman for Prospective development and investments
Days of reception: Wednesday
Times of reception:4:00 pm

Azizov Abdulla Abdisalamovich
Position:Deputy Chairman for Сhief Digital Officer
Days of reception:_
Times of reception:_

Sanakulov Rustambek Burkhanovich
Position:Acting Deputy Chairman of the transport and logistics
Days of reception:Thursday
Times of reception:4:00 pm

Shermatov Sadi Bakhtiarovich
Position:Acting deputy Chairman of the personnel and social affairs
Days of reception:Monday
Times of reception:3:00 pm