The Government portal of the
Republic of Uzbekistan

Khorezm regional administration

Rakhimov Jorabek Rakhimovich
Days of reception:Wednesday
Times of reception:08:00-11:00

Achilov Murodjon Azamatovich
Position:First Deputies Hokim
Days of reception:Everyday
Times of reception:08:00-11:00

Bekchanov Siroj Bozor o‘g‘li
Position:Deputies Hokim
Days of reception:Every day
Times of reception:8:00-11:00

Masharipov Uktam Rustamovich
Position:Deputy Chairman
Days of reception:everyday
Times of reception:8:00-11:00

Saidov Botir Ozodovich
Position:Deputies Hokim
Days of reception:Saturday
Times of reception:10:00-13:00

Salayev Sanatbek Kamilovich
Position:Deputies Hokim
Days of reception:Friday
Times of reception:10:00-13:00

Umurzakov Makhmudjon Rakhimovich
Position:Deputy Hokim
Days of reception:Every day
Times of reception:8:00-11:00

Kutlimuratova Nigora Masharipovna
Position:Deputy khokim
Days of reception:everyday
Times of reception:8:00-11:00

Davletov Anvar Kenjaevich
Position:Deputies Hokim
Days of reception:everyday
Times of reception:8:00-11:00