07:48:15 (GMT+5)    17.03.2025

The Government portal of the
Republic of Uzbekistan

Samarkand regional administration

Turdimov Erkinjon Oqbotayevich
Days of reception:on schedule
Times of reception:09:00 -13:00

Abilov Feruz Nematullayevich
Position:First Deputies Hokim
Days of reception:Monday
Times of reception:10:00-13:00

Shukurov Akmal Gayratovich
Position:Deputies Hokim
Days of reception:Friday
Times of reception:09:00-13:00

Mirzabekov Oybek Alibekovich
Position:Deputies Hokim
Days of reception:Wednesday
Times of reception:14:00-17:00

Xudayberdiyev Shunqor Farmonovich
Position:Deputies Hokim
Days of reception:Tuesday
Times of reception:10:00-13:00

Kobilov Rustam Rajabboyevich
Position:Deputies Hokim
Days of reception:Tuesday
Times of reception:14:00-17:00

Ochilov Xurshid Abdurashidovich
Position:Deputies Hokim
Days of reception:Wednesday
Times of reception:09:00-13:00

Qodirov Baxodir Raximovich
Position:Deputies Hokim
Days of reception:Thursday
Times of reception:09:00-13:00

Djabborov Isroil Ismoilovich
Position:Deputies Hokim
Days of reception:Thursday
Times of reception:14:00-17:00

Xaydarov Jamshid Temurovich
Position:Deputies Hokim
Days of reception:_
Times of reception:_