The Government portal of the
Republic of Uzbekistan

Association of Enterprises of Building Materials Industry of Uzbekistan (“Uzpromstroymaterialy”)

Position:Chairman of the Board
Days of reception:Monday
Times of reception:08:00 - 11:00

Bahodirov Azizbek Abdulazizovich
Position:First Deputy Chairman
Days of reception:Tuesday
Times of reception:08:00-11:00

Position:Deputy Chairman
Days of reception:Wednesday
Times of reception:08:00-11:00

Ismailov Bakhodir Makhmudovich
Position:Deputy Chairman
Days of reception:Thursday
Times of reception:08:00-11:00

Bobokulov Baxtiyor Baxronbekovich
Position:Chairman of the Board
Days of reception:Friday
Times of reception:08:00-11:00