The Government portal of the
Republic of Uzbekistan

Djizak regional administration

Saliev Ergash Alibekovich
Days of reception:Saturday
Times of reception:09:00-12:00

Mustanov Abdivali Saidovich
Position:First Deputy of Hokim
Days of reception:Wednesday
Times of reception:09:00-12:00

Hasanov Hamid Alisher o‘g‘li
Position:Deputies Hokim
Days of reception:Thursday
Times of reception:09:00-12:00

Nurmatov Nodir Bahodirovich
Position:Deputies Hokim
Days of reception:Thursday
Times of reception:15:00-17:00

Savurbaev Akmal Abdumuminovich
Position:Deputies Hokim
Days of reception:_
Times of reception:_

Akhmadjonov Latibjon Ergashevich
Position:Deputies Hokim
Days of reception:Tuesday
Times of reception:09:00-12:00

Mukhtorova Nazira Abdusattorovna
Position:Deputies Hokim
Days of reception:Monday
Times of reception:15:00-18:00

Raxmonqulov Sindor Sultonovich
Position:Deputies Hokim
Days of reception:Friday
Times of reception:09:00-12:00