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They will help make your business a success

2016-08-19 | Economics

The UNDP program “Business Forum of Uzbekistan (Phase 3)” and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry have been supporting youth startup initiatives as part of work to promote inclusive business models aimed at creating new jobs, increasing youth employment and improving living standards.

Financial support for the program is being granted by the British Embassy in the Republic of Uzbekistan and the European Union project “Management training program, strengthening the capacity of managers of small businesses and private entrepreneurship in Uzbekistan”.

33 teams have overcome the qualifying competition for participation in the three-month program for youth start-up initiatives. The program includes projects on ICT and information security, agriculture, transport and road infrastructure, medical, financial and payment systems, textile and education.

Young startups expect a full program with an explanation of the methodology of “saving startup”, drawing a roadmap of the project, the creation of a prototype, with the possibility of the first sales.

During the program, participants will be able to consult with trackers – experienced teachers who monitor the evolution of the team and advice on achieving their goals. They are envisaged also to take part in weekly group meetings to fixate and study the achievements and mistakes.

As a result of the three-month program, the graduates present their achievements to potential investors.

The selection of candidates for the program started in early 2016. Within a month after the announcement of the program, 308 applications from 33 higher educational institutions of Tashkent and regions of Uzbekistan were received. According to preliminary results of the selection, 196 projects were selected and interviewed. 66 of them attended the training on the development of project presentation skills, and worked with individual trackers. 57 projects were shortlisted for the finals, and made their presentations before an extended audience of experts.
